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Space Float is an upcoming record label encompassing some of the biggest producers in the Lo-fi Beats space. Some of these artists include the likes of Nadav Cohen, Prithvi, Project AER, .Eehou, and 21 other artists averaging over 100,000 monthly listens on Spotify.
As a decentralized label, pieces of their royalties will be sold off as NFTs. These NFTs are handmade portraits of each artist. Each artist is releasing two tracks, and will have 6 NFTs per track. In total, there will be 50 tracks released and 300 NFTs.
The first release will be May 10th, and we will release two track every week onward. We should finish up around Halloween of 2024!
Find out more in this press release
Drop Date or Opening Date:
May 31, 2024
Closing / End:
October 31, 2024